Saturday, July 6, 2013

14 Months! A new record!

Ok, not supposed to be proud of the fact that i have not updated this blog in over a year. I'm not proud, but i'm not worried either. Those of you who care enough to know what my family is up to, already know.

Ummm, so the book is done. The picture above is the cover. Very pleased with the experience of finishing it. I learned a lot through the process. Thanks to my wife for her patience as i took the time to write it and for her input on cover design. Thanks to Mark for help on the cover design as well.

Life is busy. If you have four kids age six and under and aren't busy, I need to know what sedative you are giving your children. We are having a lot of fun recently. We bought a pass to Rigby Lake, we go about every other day, we all love it.

I moved from the Rexburg Branch of KeyBank to Idaho Falls. Now I work in commercial banking, I love it.

Going to be spending time putting in sprinklers and making the yard less hillbilly. I am excited for the end product. You can see my official page for more on the book if you want.

I'll try to write here more regularly, but as always, no promises.

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