Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Now leaving idea central, Next stop Lack of commitment

You've read my blog long enough to know that I always have an idea brewing. A new business, a blog, a podcast and on and on. It frustrates me. Maybe I just haven't found an idea that I have true passion for yet, or maybe, worse yet, perhaps I just suck at committing to my own ideas.

Before I could at least blame my short and waning interest on having two jobs and not the time needed. Now what? Nothing. I have at least one new idea a day. By the end of the day I've moved on to my next idea. Do I have commitment A.D.D.? Why does one thing seem so great for a few glorious minutes and so stupid the next? I'm not saying that I want to pursue every idea that I ever have, but I would like to take one or two and run with them for longer than a one legged pirate running with scissors.

The podcast was my best effort I think. I stayed with it for a while. However, between scheduling conflicts with my guests and the massive amount of time it took to edit those interviews it was tough to keep up. After Dad passed away, there was no coming back, I was just done.

How about any of you? Have a similar problem to me? How do i fix it or stop it? Please help me!!


Mark Brown said...

I wish I had some sage advice, but I don't. Maybe it's just a matter of the right project coming along that means so much to you that you don't let it fall by the wayside. Maybe it's just a matter of planning - breaking it into little daily tasks. Don't know.

Shalee said...

Did you stop blogging to prove your point?

Dan said...

Funny but no. Just haven't felt the bug.