Friday, January 27, 2012

Never, ever do this to me, ever.

I realize this may offend some of you. I'll live with that. I'm not sure when my deep seeded hatred of blue tooths began, but one thing is certain, I H.A.T.E. them. Sure, they have a reasonable function, I believe in attentive driving, so a blue tooth is well suited for that use. No other uses, ever.
Do you know how stupid you look Mr. Bluetooth? Walking into any business establishment with one of these on should carry a strict and painful penalty. A penalty that can be legally administered by anyone within arms reach of you. I personally believe that at least one junk-punch is in order. Refuse to remove the blue tooth and the junk-punching would continue. You may believe that wearing it at all times makes you more efficient, and instills of level of respect and awe in others. You are mistaken, you simply look like a telemarketer who strayed too far from his desk on his last coffee break. We're not on star trek, you aren't getting beamed anywhere(unless its in the junk). I know that when you go to a dungeons and dragons convention that you feel like the blue tooth is still a good idea. Take a step back, look at the people who attend those conventions. Are you really one of them? If you find that you really are just that nerdy, please gather all your blue tooth wearing buddies and lets send you to New Zealand where you can frolic at the shire and prance into Mordor, and never bother me again. Do you know how annoying it is to see you talking on that damn thing? People around you don't know it's there half the time, you look and sound crazy. Then you give those looking at you the stink eye because they are looking at you trying to figure out whether they should pull out their full size hand held phone and call the funny farm. Most importantly, don't pretend that wearing the blue tooth makes you uber important. It doesn't, nothing more, it just doesn't.


Shine said...

So, you're birthday is in November, guess what you're getting from us? :)

Mark Brown said...

I love that picture. That is exactly the guy I envision using a Blue Tooth. I imagine his name is probably Steven or something but all his close frat bros call him "The Stever."

Dave said...

I concur on the bluetooth thing, they suck