Monday, April 18, 2011

The scoop

It's odd. Now that I am not forcing myself to blog on a daily basis, I have fallen into the same old attitude of, "nobody wants to read what i have to say." Not that you really want to read my blog anyway, but you do read it, mostly because I load it up with msg and other addictive chemicals.

Life has been good mostly. Most days, I am ok with everything that has happened in the past 7 months, other days, I feel like I just shut off. The shut off days are coming less frequently now.

Exciting things are in the works. Our hole in the ground now has a foundation in it. We are starting the adoption process again. I will be leaving State Farm at the end of June after 6 years. So, lots of things. Good things.

On Saturday, we went to Idaho Falls for a little reward to ourselves for slogging through the clean-up process at my parent's house. It's relieving to be finished, but crazy at the same time. The boys were allowed to select a toy at Toys R Us. Thankfully they don't have real expensive tastes yet. They were such troopers through all these things that they don't understand. Hadley picked out a huge Lightning McQueen and a couple of smaller toys, while Blake picked out a big construction truck and some trains. The truck selection is no surprise, whenever we go look at our house, he demands trucks, unfortunately, the trucks are gone for now.

Tonight, we are meeting up with some friends and their son for FHE, going to see Rio. Ice cream to follow. It will be a fun night.


Shalee said...

:) Yay for good things!!

Shine said...

Most definitely a good night! :) Thanks for coming with us! Can't wait until the next time we can hang out.

tyler, terrah, miles and gavin said...

We're glad that things are happier for you and your family. You all definitely deserve it!

Where will you be working now that you're leaving State Farm?

Mikelle said...

I love the countdown at the top of your blog :)

Suzy said...

After the trials come the blessings, right? You guys do deserve it...keep reminding yourself of that!